Ten things about me:
- I still have one baby tooth and I am 33 years old!
- I once beat the Dux of the school in religion studies in year 9
- When I was about 10 I saved a little baby who fell out of its pram on an escalator. A man then grabbed the baby out of my arms and placed it into the arms of the mother who then thanked the man profusely.
- When I was about 18 I saved a huge man who fell in between the platform and the train. I grabbed him under the arms and pulled the huge man up whilst screaming for someone to help - no one helped. I realised then that I must be quick to think, am very strong and I like to help people - but selfishly I also really like to be thanked.
- Before I wanted to be an artist, I wanted to be a witch, than a policeman or a boxer.
- I have difficulty thinking of 10 things about me.
- I never ever wanted to be a teacher. In year 4 my best friend said she wanted to be a teacher and I thought 'no way would I do that'. When I was 18 I got into a teaching degree and refused to go. Finally at 30 I went back to uni after doing a fine arts degree to do, what else? Art teaching. I now work in a high school and I LOVE teaching. I also love hanging out with my year 4 bestie and talking about teaching.
- I have never ridden a bicycle properly. I bought a really good bicycle a few months ago for $20 with a helmet included and now ride it everywhere. I love it.
- I prefer to drive a manual car. I got my licence on an auto but bought a cheap manual car - took me ages to learn but now I love it.
- I never learned to dive until I was in high school. It was terribly embarrassing for me and a huge relief when I finally learned.
- I love classical music and I hate loud noises.
That's actually 11 but makes up for the one where I said how hard this is!