Saturday, March 27, 2010

Won't you take me to a lomo town?


Lucky me, sitting here with the boy scoffing mini Snickers, watching TV and blogging on a Saturday night after just being out for a Japanese dinner. 

I have sadly not had the internet at home for a long time now and as a result I have been painting and reading and doing all sorts of delicious things. So, no bloggin' for me. 

But I am cheering to now have the opportunity to once again get lost in the time vortex that is the internet.

Last year I saw 'Sculpture by the Sea' with my gorgeous cousin Grace. It has taken me this long to get my photos developed. I love Lomography but it really is an expensive hobby, particularly with 120 film,  so I am unable to go all mad and addictive with it. This, however, does nothing to explain the fact that I have recently been once again obsessed with extending my collection of vintage cameras which I will show you one day. For now though, some serious lomo fun...

Sculpture by the Sea 2008

The Miami of the South, Bondi Beach


Kelly-Ann Lees - Urchins

Tim Kyle - On the Beach.

Jonathon Leahey - Gravity

Marguerite Derricourt - The Flight of the Bogong

Kevin Draper - Fragment

Gracie with Micheal Lipman's work Interlace

Louisa Dawson - Social Climbing

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