Saturday, December 31, 2011

Eve of the new year

We changed our minds and traveled to the beautiful alpine areas of Harrietville and Bright. I'm glad we did. I used to come here with my family when little and I used to think it was fairy land. I still do. I'm ignoring the crowds - yes, they are here but it can be easy to not let them affect me. I choose whether or not I am bothered by others.

We've driven up a dirt road where the boy does his fishing and I stand in the running alpine stream reading my book. Sitting on a log bought a few mozzies, and standing in the middle of the river is much more cooling.

I have to admit I abandoned the new years resolution for the last couple of years. I take it up again this year with a little ambivalence - I'll just see how I go. Nothing drastic - just the usual eat better, run better, love my enemy and all that jazz. I have been looking into improving my nutrition though and think this may take up a little obsession for a while. Whilst I love my job the stress can sometimes come out in odd ways - exhaustion, sores that don't heal, flues that don't leave, etc. I know my diet is not too bad but being a vegetarian it is so easy to grab the cheese and the bread. Today I drank a liter of water with chlorella which went rather nicely with my coffee and lamington - hey, it's not 2012 yet!

It's been a heavy year. Incredibly busy and hard for some of my dearest friends who have been affected by significant loss. I have grown so much from witnessing their incredible strength.

I wish everyone well for 2012. For us it's pork chops for the boy and vegetarian sausages and kumera wrapped in foil in the fire for me; as well as a good natter and a swim.


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